Thursday, February 21, 2019

A Visual Feast - Bromer Gallery, Boston, MA

21 February – 3 May, at the Bromer Gallery, 607 Boylston St, Boston, MA

Here's a selection of my books, fine bindings, linocuts, woodcuts, digital prints, calligraphy, and a watercolor you'll find on display.

Pizza from Scratch

"Burning Weeds" linocut from Pizza from Scratch

"Wheat – July" linocut from Pizza from Scratch

"Pepperoni Pizza" linocut from Pizza from Scratch

"Stock/1" woodcut from Chili: a recipe
"Stock/2" woodcut from Chili: a recipe

"Yellow Blackberryleaf flower" digital print from Florilegium Solmentes

John Keats poem "To Autumn", calligraphy (9 x 6ft) – also available in book form

"Grasmere", watercolor – details were used to illustrate William Wordsworth's The Prelude

Wordsworth The Prelude
For more information visit

The Bromer Gallery is a new gallery within Anne Bromer's bookstore at 607 Boylston St. in Boston, MA.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Dimitry Sayenko wins a Pepperoni Pizza at the Codex Book Fair

Solmentes Press is delighted to announce the winner of the prize draw at the Codex Book Fair in Richmond, California was fellow artist, printer and bookbinder, Dimitry Sayenko from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Поздравления Dimitry!

Dimitry Sayenko (Nikodim Press) with David Esslemont (Solmentes Press)

Dimitry won a signed copy of the limited edition linocut "Pepperoni Pizza" by David Esslemont from his book, Pizza from Scratch.

Prize Draw
To win a copy of the print, visitors to the Solmentes Press table at the Codex Book Fair (February 3–6) put their business card or name and email address in a bag from which a winner was drawn at the end of the fair. Read more about Pizza from Scratch and buy copies of the print ($300), visit

Thanks to everyone who entered to win the print and for their interest in Solmentes Press.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Win a Pepperoni Pizza Print!

Here is your chance to win an original limited edition signed print by David Esslemont – "Pepperoni Pizza" a multi-color linocut from Pizza from Scratch. 

To enter the draw you must visit the Codex Book Fair in The Craneway Pavilion, 1414 Harbour Way South, Richmond, CA 94804 between Sunday 3 and Wednesday 6 February. 

Go to the Solmentes Press (table #5 - in the front row opposite the main fair entrance) and place your business card in the box provided (or write your name and email address on a slip of paper). One winning entry will be drawn by an exhibitor from the book fair at the Codex Gala Dinner in the Berkeley City Club on Wednesday 6 February.

Good luck and enjoy what is sure to be a spectacular book fair. Full details of the Codex book fair and Symposium can be found on the Codex Foundation website.

Podcast: David Esslemont on the history of the Gregynog and Solmentes Presses

Gregynog Hall Nigel Beale aka The Literary Tourist , came to visit and recorded our conversation in which he asked me about the history...