Thursday, March 4, 2010



Working again on the Florilegium, mostly editing the text for the accompanying book but also being sidetracked by the Bradbury story (see previous post). I will create another dozen flowers to finish the project and this "Fireflower" is a possible candidate. Using a photograph of a neighbour's burning field as the background to the leaf lends another dimension to the image.

Still searching for the flower that "pulls" you in with an extraordinary and exotic centre, such as the tulips have. Although it is now March, here in Iowa, there is still snow on the ground and it will be some time before we see any new plants, let alone flowers.

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Podcast: David Esslemont on the history of the Gregynog and Solmentes Presses

Gregynog Hall Nigel Beale aka The Literary Tourist , came to visit and recorded our conversation in which he asked me about the history...