Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Flax flower evolution

The colouring of the "flax flower" above is loosely based on a rock rose, genus Helianthemum of the family Cistaceae, in this case H. mummularium (common rock rose) of which there are many cultivars. Looking more like a zebra tomato, it does not have the papery petals of the rock roses as these are based Linum narbonense an ornamental species of flax. It was the third flower created in the flax series.

It evolved from a scanned petal of an evening primrose (Oenothera) made in July 2009.

The aim was to create a five-petalled flax flower so modifcation began in Photoshop. By changing the hue and saturation of the yellow petal, adding selective color changes and gradient overlays to achieve the basic "flax blue", the petal shape was cut and further modified:

Deep blue and yellow versions were also created

The following modifications were made and then "layered" to create the red petals based on the colouring of the rock rose:

For the center of the flower I used the spiny paleae of the purple coneflower (Echinacea purpuuria) a genus of the Asteraceae family and native of North America.

The yellow center is a modified version of one scanned last summer (above right).

Thank you KS for asking how they were made (see http://solmentes.blogspot.com/2010/03/flax-and-zebra-tomato-flowers.html).

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